Core Values (Principles of Maribo Gymnasium)

Maribo Gymnasium is characterized by students’ and employees’ co-responsibility for the school’s continued development. The school’s size provides the basis for a youth environment characterized by comprehensibility and presence. There is close collaboration between students and teachers as well as strong camaraderie among students across classes and years. Maribo Gymnasium is an open school, built on a strong and trusting work environment for all staff and students. We consider Maribo Gymnasium’s school culture as the best starting point for creating the framework for high-quality teaching that continually promotes each student’s learning.

Maribo Gymnasium’s goal of continuing to educate and develop young people in the heart of Lolland is based on six values:

  • Curiosity and the desire to learn
  • Skill enhancement for all
  • Understanding of your own and others’ worlds
  • Respect for each other
  • Community
  • Vibrant school in the heart of Lolland

Curiosity and the desire to learn

At Maribo Gymnasium, we are curious and motivated to learn. We believe that our students achieve the highest level of proficiency when they are challenged. This happens both in daily teaching and through project work, which is organized with individually tailored progression and demands for independence. We emphasize that students and staff have the opportunity to think outside the box and to create something in an engaging learning environment with room for influence and constructive dialogue.

Skill enhancement for all

We believe that the interaction between students and teachers should be mutually enriching. Teaching is based on a shared commitment that should give each individual the desire to do their best while leaving room for others. For the school, it is important that all students and staff are challenged to realize their own and the collective potential, because we believe that we can lift each other up.

Understanding of your own and others’ worlds

We believe that students and staff at Maribo Gymnasium should see themselves as part of the school and be aware of their role as part of the whole. As a school and workplace, we want to contribute to the development of individuals who will achieve greater self-insight as well as openness and acceptance of the world’s diversities. We want to provide students with an education that goes beyond understanding their own world.

Respect for each other

We believe that it is important for students to dare to be open, take chances, and challenge themselves. This requires a safe learning environment characterized by trust and empathy, where one can also have ambitions and celebrate successes. We emphasize that there is a proper and respectful tone in everyday life with room for diversity, where everyone shares responsibility for creating a good school.


We believe that close and intimate relationships create a better school. As a school, we are very conscious of educating and developing young people in a tradition-preserving, culture-bearing, and inclusive youth environment characterized by strong community. We emphasize that students are involved in decision-making processes and participate in the planning and implementation of events.

Vibrant school in the heart of Lolland

We believe that the school should also be a gathering place for cultural and social activities for the whole of Lolland. We are an open school in society, which wants to involve the pulse of Lolland in teaching, and which gladly buzzes with life after school hours. In the heart of Lolland, Maribo Gymnasium wants to be much more than just a school