Study and Order Rules for Maribo Gymnasium

The following local study and order rules apply at Maribo Gymnasium. The rules have been adopted by the board of Maribo Gymnasium based on the Ministry of Education’s announcement no. 1338 of December 9, 2019, regarding study and order rules, etc. in the secondary education.

Maribo Gymnasium’s values ​​are based on the idea that a safe and challenging high school environment, based on trust and mutual respect, provides the greatest commitment and benefit from high school education. The study and order rules are intended to support this expectation and ensure both personal development and a high school diploma or an hf diploma.

All students and staff at Maribo Gymnasium are informed about the set of rules, which is also publicly available on the institution’s website. The study and order rules come into force on March 18, 2024.

  1. Study Rules

The following rules regarding students’ study-related matters apply at Maribo Gymnasium:

General norms that students are subject to in relation to their education:

Students are obliged to attend and actively participate in the part of the teaching that requires their physical presence. This applies regardless of whether the teaching takes place on or outside the institution’s premises, including excursions, study trips, etc. For special rules regarding study trips, refer to Annex 2: Rules for Study Trips.

Students must actively participate in other teaching, including independent work and virtual teaching.

Students must submit their written answers to assignments on time without cheating, the use of AI (e.g., CHAT-GPT and similar programs), or similar improper behaviour.

Students must fully participate in exams, midterm exams, annual exams, and other internal exams and similar according to applicable rules for exam administration.

Students must not cheat and/or exhibit similar improper behaviour that may prevent or counteract their own or other students’ completion of their education, including by taking the necessary exams, in accordance with the educational objectives. The school has a duty to investigate any suspicion of cheating and/or exhibit similar improper behaviour.

During exams and tests, the school uses ExamCookie as a monitoring tool. It is a prerequisite for taking written exams or tests that students must download and use ExamCookie. The purpose of using ExamCookie is to prevent cheating and can be used to confirm or refute a suspicion of cheating or other improper behaviour during exams. ExamCookie can be used in regular teaching, e.g., in connection with tests or exams.

If the student is under 18 years of age, communication between the student’s parents and the school generally takes place through the principal or other management representative.

Special norms regarding students’ study-related matters in relation to their education:

Maribo Gymnasium may, upon request and a specific assessment, exempt a student from parts of the teaching in one or more subjects when, due to their disability or impairment, the student cannot actively participate in the entire teaching in the subject(s), possibly through offerings under the law on special education, special educational support, or sick leave. The same applies to a student who, for other reasons, temporarily cannot actively participate in the entire teaching in one or more subjects.

In such cases, Maribo Gymnasium may request a medical certificate from the student as documentation for the request for exemption. The same applies when a medical certificate is needed as other relevant documentation, e.g., for illness.

A medical certificate is required to be exempted from physical education. However, based on a specific assessment of other necessary medical documentation than a medical certificate (e.g., hospital admission note for surgical procedure), Maribo Gymnasium may temporarily and/or partially exempt from physical education for a short, defined period. Maribo Gymnasium cannot completely exempt students from physical education or exempt them for a longer period from physical education without a medical certificate specifying the doctor’s recommendation.

In cases of high and frequent sick leave, Maribo Gymnasium may request documentation from the student in the form of a medical certificate or other medical documentation than a medical certificate (e.g., hospital admission note for surgical procedure).

The student bears the cost of the medical certificate requested by the institution.

  1. Rules of Conduct

Students at Maribo Gymnasium must always adhere to common norms of good order and interaction: Maribo Gymnasium works to ensure respectful relationships among students and between students and the institution’s leaders, teachers, and other staff members. Students are obligated to immediately and loyally follow the specific instructions given by the institution orally or in writing to maintain or restore good order at the school.

In addition to this, the following rules regarding order and interaction apply at Maribo Gymnasium:

General norms that students are subject to for order and interaction during teaching and outside the institution:

Students must use the institution’s premises, areas, facilities, and inventory with care, including participating in individual and collective clean-up efforts.

Eating is only allowed in the cafeteria area or in specially designated rooms where self-cleaning facilities are available. Eating is not permitted in classrooms.

Non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in classrooms. In special circumstances, the teacher may allow eating, for example, cake during class.

Everyone cleans up after themselves. This applies everywhere on the school premises.

Computers and mobile phones may only be used for educational purposes during lessons or exams. Mobile phones are placed in the designated area in the classroom at the beginning of the lesson. Computers are shut down at the start of the module. The teacher determines the use of computers and mobile phones during lessons.

All students are responsible for their own education.

Regarding behaviour in the classroom:

Students are expected to be ready when the lesson starts.

Students are expected to indicate when they want to speak and to listen when others are speaking.

The student is expected to log in to the school’s administrative system as it is required every day.

Parking in the schoolyard is not allowed. In special cases, the principal may grant exemptions for this.

Special norms for order and interaction during teaching and outside the institution:

Maribo Gymnasium will not tolerate bullying. Reference is also made to Annex 3: Anti-bullying Strategy.

Maribo Gymnasium will not tolerate violent and threatening behaviour, either physical or virtual. This also applies to behaviour that may contribute to creating insecurity in a class or throughout the institution.

Maribo Gymnasium expects the school’s students to demonstrate a respectful tone and behaviour on social media that is in accordance with the institution’s study and order rules and values.

At Maribo Gymnasium, there is a smoke- and snus-free school time, according to the announcement of the law on smoke-free environments. This means that students and staff are not allowed to smoke or use tobacco products, snus, e-cigarettes, tobacco substitutes, or herbal smoking products during class time, from 08:00 to 16:00, and during academic events, study trips, excursions, etc., as long as there is an academic program. The smoking ban also applies outside the school premises, and therefore, students and staff are not allowed to leave the school premises to smoke during work or school hours. After the student’s last class of the school day, they may smoke/use snus, but not on the school premises. The school supports participation in smoking cessation courses.

All staff at the school are involved in enforcing the rules. Management is informed if there is a violation of the rule. Sanctions in connection with violations of the rules regarding smoke-free teaching time:

First time the rule is violated, the student receives a verbal warning, and the rules are reviewed and emphasized to the student. Additionally, the school will encourage the student to participate in a smoking cessation course. The violation is recorded in the student’s file.

Second time the rule is violated, the student receives a written warning, emphasizing that further violations may have serious consequences for continued schooling. The violation is recorded in the student’s file.

Third time the rule is violated, the student is summoned for a meeting with the principal to provide support for participation in a smoking cessation course and for temporary suspension for up to 10 days.

Fourth time the rule is violated, the student is permanently expelled from the school. Alcohol or other substances may not be consumed at Maribo Gymnasium or when representing the school.

There are special rules for parties and at cafes. It is not allowed to possess alcohol or substances on or around Maribo Gymnasium. The institution may request a student to participate in a test for alcohol and other substances if there is concrete suspicion. See Annex 1: Alcohol and Substance Policy at Maribo Gymnasium.

Maribo Gymnasium does not accept the sharing of audio and video recordings of another person’s private matters or otherwise under circumstances where the other person can reasonably expect to be exempted from such recordings and their dissemination. This particularly applies to recordings containing content that may violate privacy or personal integrity.

The use of mobile phones and cameras in changing rooms is not allowed.

Students are expected to dress appropriately for participation in physical education classes.

It is not allowed to encourage or promote extreme or fundamentalist attitudes and behaviours contrary to the educational objectives or any behaviour that may promote such attitudes and behaviours, including promoting social control over other students contrary to the educational objectives.

Student Behaviour Outside the Institution

The rules also cover students’ behaviour outside the institution, i.e., behaviour exhibited by students in their free time – if the behaviour directly affects the learning environment at Maribo Gymnasium.

  1. Procedure for the Institution’s Intervention Regarding Students’ Violation of the Rules

Maribo Gymnasium expects students to attend classes with interest and preparation.

At Maribo Gymnasium, the following procedure applies in connection with students’ absence and neglect:

The teacher records attendance at the beginning of the class.

Students must note the reason for their absence in Lectio if they have not attended the class.

Absence is credited if the student cannot attend the class because they are scheduled for other lessons by the school, including special education/support classes. Absence is also credited in connection with student council work, committee work, or participation in events or competitions organized by the school and considered equivalent to teaching by the management.

Students with concerning absenteeism from classes are called in for meeting(s) with their counsellor to acquire a more effective study behaviour. If the student’s attendance does not improve subsequently, the student is called in for a meeting with a management representative.

Sanctions are implemented based on the principal’s specific assessment and usually after a written warning.

If the student’s neglect continues after receiving a written warning, the student is called in for a meeting with the counsellor and/or a management representative.

If a student’s absence exceeds 15% within a quarter, Maribo Gymnasium will make an individual assessment of a student’s study activity. A student declared study inactive due to excessive absenteeism or lack of participation in exams loses the right to receive student financial aid (SU) until the educational institution declares the student study active again, cf. §§ 11 and 12 of Order No. 1515 of December 13, 2017 (SU Order).

Students must submit written assignments on time, and the assignments must meet the specified requirements. The teacher must address non-submission and agree on a new submission deadline. If a student has not submitted several assignments, the student is called in for a meeting with their counsellor. If a student is missing one or more written assignments, the student may be called to the school’s submission workshop. If the missing assignments are not submitted, the student may receive a written warning or other sanction.

Cheating is not allowed. It is considered cheating if a student wholly or partially copies significant parts of others’ work and presents it as their own (plagiarism). Subject teachers must inform students about the rules regarding cheating.

If a student cheats, the assignment or parts of the assignment must be rewritten. In serious cases and in repeated instances, the school’s management is informed, and the student is called in for a meeting, and sanctions are implemented. Cheating during exams results in a grade of -3 or expulsion from the exam.

Maribo Gymnasium annually sets targets for reducing absenteeism.

  1. Sanctioning of Violations of the Study and Order Rules

Violation of Maribo Gymnasium’s study and order rules can be reported by any staff member at the school. Serious or repeated violations are immediately reported to the principal, who decides on the consequences of the violation. The principal is obliged to address violations.

For minor violations of the study and order rules, Maribo Gymnasium may give the student a pedagogical admonition orally or in writing.

In other cases, the institution may issue a written warning to the student. A written warning usually expires after one year unless otherwise stated in the specific decision in each case. However, warnings given to a student for committing, participating, or inciting violence, threats, cheating, and similar misconduct usually do not expire.

In particularly serious cases or repeated instances, Maribo Gymnasium may implement sanctions without prior written warning.

For violations of Maribo Gymnasium’s local study and order rules not sanctioned with a written warning, one or more of the following sanctions may be applied:

    1. Full or partial exclusion from events or activities.
    2. Temporary exclusion from classes for up to 10 school days. The institution registers the student’s absence during the exclusion as absenteeism.
    3. Prohibition on the student bringing and using specific private items or types of items, including mobile phones and similar communication devices, during their stay at the institution and in class for a specified period, when and to the extent that this is justified for disciplinary or pedagogical reasons.
    4. In highly exceptional cases, the school may detain one or more of the student’s private items, including mobile phones and similar communication devices, for up to one day. The institution’s implementation of a detention requires the student to surrender the item(s) to the institution. The student is obligated to immediately surrender the item(s) decided to be detained by the institution. If the student fails to fulfill this obligation, the institution may decide to implement a relevant sanction. However, this does not exempt the student from the obligation to surrender the item.
    5. Referral of the student to take an exam in one or more subjects that can be completed with an exam at the respective grade level in the current year, regardless of whether the student is selected to take the exam in the subject(s). This particularly applies to serious or repeated cheating or similar misconduct.
    6. Forfeiture of the right to be nominated for an exam in one or more subjects ending in the current school year. The exam(s) in the subject(s) must be taken the following year if the institution decides that the student, despite one or more missing exams, can be promoted to the next grade level.
    7. Expulsion from the institution and transfer to another institution for the student to complete their education there. Transfer to another institution occurs after prior agreement between Maribo Gymnasium and the receiving institution. If the student has an agreement to transfer to a specific other institution they wish to move to if expelled from their current institution, the sending institution decides on transferring the student to that institution. The institution can only decide on this sanction if it has not been previously applied to the student in their high school education.
    8. Expulsion (discharge) from the education.

Temporary Suspension and Temporary Restricted Access to the Institution while the Case is Investigated

As part of the process for handling a case under these rules, Maribo Gymnasium may decide to temporarily suspend the student or temporarily restrict the student’s access to the institution while the case is being further investigated.

Temporary suspension or temporary restricted access to the institution is possible in the following situations:

    1. Situations where it is deemed necessary for the general consciousness of justice at the institution regarding compliance with the institution’s study and order rules. This may be the case, for example, when it has been reported to the police that the student has committed a violent, threatening, or otherwise illegal act, which may directly affect the order and interaction at the institution and could potentially lead to permanent expulsion.
    2. Situations where it is deemed necessary to maintain order and interaction at the institution and to ensure the participation of other students and staff in the teaching.

Conditional Sanctions

Maribo Gymnasium may decide that a specific sanction will only be implemented if the student violates the rules again within a specified period.

Maribo Gymnasium may also impose conditions on a conditional sanction, which are pedagogically justified, such as:

    1. Within a specified deadline, the student rectifies the consequences resulting from the student’s violation of the study and order rules.
    2. Within a specified deadline, the student satisfactorily completes specific activities and similar measures suitable for preventing the student from repeating the offense or other relevant violations of the study and order rules, or suitable for the student and potentially aggrieved students, staff, or others to reconcile through mediation or conciliation.
  1. Recording of Students’ Participation in Teaching

Maribo Gymnasium digitally records the student’s participation in teaching, including the student’s submission of written assignments.

The student must indicate the reason for the recorded absence in Lectio. The student has the opportunity to separately specify whether the recorded absence is due to the student’s fulfillment of obligations under the legislation, such as civil duties or participation in the Armed Forces Day. The student also has the opportunity to indicate whether the recorded absence is due to participation in student democratic meetings or similar events.

As a general rule, students are expected to upload their written assignments to Lectio.

  1. Denial of Promotion to the Next Grade Level

Maribo Gymnasium has the option to deny a student promotion to the next grade level in accordance with § 10 of the Ministry of Education’s Executive Order no. 1077 of September 13, 2017, regarding study and order rules, etc., in the upper secondary education.

Attachment 1: Alcohol and Substance Policy for Maribo Gymnasium

Maribo Gymnasium aims to ensure that students’ substance use patterns do not become a barrier to achieving maximum academic and well-being outcomes from their education.


At Maribo Gymnasium, we emphasize the development of mutual respect, tolerance, independence, and engagement in school and community life through inclusive community and democratic participation and responsibility.

A prerequisite for fulfilling the above objectives is that teachers and students feel responsible towards each other and act constructively if problems arise that may hinder the fulfillment of our objectives. The school should provide a framework for a positive social community and a positive expression of youth culture.

If students or teachers become aware of a student having problems with alcohol or other substances, the student’s counsellor should be contacted, and they will then have a conversation with the student. The counsellor has confidentiality and can refer the student to various agencies where they can receive advice and guidance regarding their substance abuse problem.


Alcohol or other substances may not be consumed during class time. Students must not attend classes under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If the above prohibitions are violated, the student will be sent home for one or more days and will be called in for a meeting with the principal and subsequently with the counsellor, who may refer the student to various agencies if there is a general substance abuse problem. Euphoric substances may not be brought to or consumed on the school premises, even at parties. Personal drug tests may be conducted at parties. Violation of this rule will result in a meeting with the principal and usually suspension from school for at least two days. The student must then participate in a meeting with the counsellor. In more serious cases and in cases of drug sales, immediate and permanent expulsion will usually occur. At parties, ordinary beer and alcoholic beverages may be served with the agreement of the principal. The school’s disciplinary rules also apply if the school’s teaching takes place at locations other than the school premises.


Attachment 2: Rules for Study Trips at Maribo Gymnasium

Regarding Excursions and Study Trips

Excursions and study trips are considered part of the curriculum; therefore, Maribo Gymnasium’s alcohol and substance policy also apply in these cases. Study trips also provide free time for experiencing new cultures as well as relaxation and social bonding within the framework of the alcohol policy. Limited amounts of alcohol may be consumed, by agreement, outside the formal educational program:

Rules will be agreed upon between the travel teachers and the students for each individual trip, although the following rules apply to ensure the same student participation in the academic program as in regular school classes.

The rules will be enforced by the travel teachers, who will inform the principal if any problems arise.

Students who no longer attend Maribo Gymnasium cannot participate in the study trip.

Paid amounts are non-refundable.

Inebriated students will be sent home immediately.

Parents of students under 18 must be informed of the school’s alcohol policy and must sign an agreement stating that students will be sent home at their own expense if the rules are violated.

No parties or outings are allowed at night to ensure that students are well-rested the next day.

Rules of conduct must include agreements on how students can go out in the city and the time of return to the hotel.

Guidelines for Study Trips at Maribo Gymnasium

Study trips are offered at Maribo Gymnasium to students in 1st year HF and 2nd year G as a 4-5 day program to a European country. Participation in the study trip requires partial payment from the students. The study trip includes both the execution of (parts of) an academic program and offers of activities according to section 31 of the Ministerial Order.

In general, the principal delegates authority to the teachers participating in the study trips. This means that the principal trusts that the teachers will make the right decisions and carry out their tasks in accordance with the school’s guidelines and rules.

Before the Study Trip

    1. In connection with the scheduling for the upcoming school year, it is clarified as far as possible which teachers are interested in traveling with the upcoming 1st-year HF classes and upcoming 2nd-year G classes. Subsequently, a meeting is held to discuss options for the study trips for each class in 1st year HF and 2nd year G.
    2. Two teachers are selected to organize the study trip for the class with an academic program. In special cases, permission may be granted for 3 teachers to travel with the same class. Typically, classes in HF travel together to the same destination.
    3. The destination of the trip must be within the EU or to a Scandinavian country.
    4. The teachers provide one or more offers for a study trip, where the total costs per student do not exceed DKK 4,000 (excluding meals).
    5. The proposed programs and prices are presented to the class, which may choose between the proposals through a vote, if necessary.
    6. The teachers design a program that combines academic and cultural/social activities, with students involved in the program’s development.
    7. For informational purposes, the teachers send a preliminary program (destination, price, travel times, purpose, activities, participants, including participants with foreign passports) to the principal.
    8. If a considerable number of students indicate that they cannot participate in the study trip, the teachers discuss the feasibility of the trip with the principal.
    9. Once the study trip is approved, the teachers ensure that the parents sign a consent form allowing the student to participate in the study trip under the conditions described in the preliminary program and in the school’s rules of conduct and rules regarding alcohol consumption.
    10. The form is available on Teams in the Study Trips channel. The form includes space for necessary and important information about the student’s health, etc.
    11. Parents are also asked on the form if they wish to have a parent meeting to discuss the study trip further. If at least half of the families wish to have a meeting, it must be held. Otherwise, the teachers assess whether there is a basis for holding a parent meeting.
    12. A collective travel insurance covering the entire class is taken out, which at minimum covers cancellation and the student’s return home in case of illness during the study trip.
    13. Along with the form, the student submits a copy of their passport and a copy of their EU health insurance card (European Health Insurance Card).
    14. The form must be submitted to the study trip teachers no later than 3 months before departure.
    15. The administration assists the study trip teachers in obtaining the necessary permissions for students with foreign passports and issues a collective student card (for discounts on various attractions).
    16. Approved study trip programs and forms, as well as copies of passports and EU health insurance cards, are kept securely at the school (in a safe).
    17. The total amount for the study trip must be paid no later than 2 months before departure. After payment, it is not possible to request a refund if the student does not participate in the study trip.
    18. Students who are admitted or have not paid for the study trip by 2 months before departure cannot expect to participate in the study trip.
    19. Any additional costs incurred in connection with joining the study trip within 2 months before departure are the responsibility of the student.
    20. Students who do not participate in the study trip must complete tasks equivalent to the academic content of the study trip and submit them electronically by the end of the travel week.
    21. A checklist for the teachers and a template for information to parents with relevant phone numbers, contacts, and procedures in case of accidents, illnesses, etc., are available on Teams.
    22. If special circumstances arise (such as illness, personal circumstances, or challenging student behaviour), the school may refuse a student’s participation in the study trip if the school determines that it cannot take responsibility for traveling with the student.
    23. The decision is made by the principal after discussion with the travel teachers and involvement of the student and possibly parents.
    24. Before departure, a meeting may be held with a representative of the management, travel teacher(s), student, and possibly parents to ensure agreements are in place to prevent any challenges during the study trip.
    25. A meeting is held if any of the parties request it.
    26. The management and travel teachers, if deemed necessary before departure, must develop a plan for handling students with special challenges during the study trip.

Study Trip


    1. During the study trip, students must adhere to the school’s rules of conduct for study trips and follow the teachers’ instructions.
    2. If a student violates the rules of conduct and fails to follow the teachers’ instructions, the teachers may choose to dismiss the student from the study trip.
    3. If the teachers decide to dismiss a student from the study trip, they contact the principal, who informs the student’s parents.
    4. The dismissed student is sent home at the parents’ or their own expense, with the teachers covering the cost of a ticket from the nearest airport/train station to Kastrup Airport or Copenhagen Central Station.
    5. The school reimburses the teachers’ expenses, after which the school recovers the cost from the parents or the student.
    6. The teachers escort the student to the nearest airport/train station.

Illness, Accident, and Death

    1. If one or more participants become ill or are involved in an accident during a study trip, the teachers call for necessary assistance (doctor or ambulance).
    2. If a student is admitted to the hospital, they are accompanied by a teacher.
    3. Subsequently, the principal is contacted, who informs the parents about the course of events, possibly at a meeting with the parents.
    4. The principal contacts SOS International.
    5. SOS International coordinates the efforts at the hospital, remains available for questions, and can arrange for possible repatriation.
    6. If deemed necessary by the teachers, the principal calls for psychological crisis intervention on-site through SOS for the involved students and teachers.
    7. The principal may decide to send an additional person – usually one of the parents – to the destination to assist the teachers in case of emergency.
    8. During hospitalization, the teachers maintain contact with the principal at least once daily.
    9. In the event of serious accidents and deaths, immediate contact is made with the principal, who convenes the rest of the management for crisis management.

After the Study Trip

    1. Based on the school’s grief and crisis plan, the principal determines whether external assistance should be called for the post-study trip meeting and how the incidents are followed up.
    2. After the study trip, a follow-up meeting is held between the principal and the travel teachers in all cases. The meeting is conducted class by class.

Attachment 3: Anti-Bullying Strategy

This strategy aims to ensure that all students at Maribo Gymnasium have a good learning environment, which also includes the school’s psychological environment. The strategy is based on an expectation that students, in collaboration with management, teachers, and other staff, will contribute to establishing and maintaining a good learning environment.

Bullying is contrary to Maribo Gymnasium’s values. Any form of bullying is unacceptable at Maribo Gymnasium, according to the school’s study and disciplinary rules. Note that the rules against bullying apply both during and outside school hours, and the rules are a natural extension of the Education Environment Act, which states that students “have the right to a good learning environment” so that “teaching can take place safely and healthily” and thereby “promote participants’ opportunities for development and learning.” (See the Education Environment Act, §1, LBK no. 316 of 05/04/2017).

The strategy includes prevention as well as actions and sanctions related to bullying in accordance with the Education Environment Act and Maribo Gymnasium’s study and disciplinary rules.

What is Bullying?

Maribo Gymnasium has the same approach to bullying as the Danish Center for Educational Environment (DCUM):

“Bullying is a group phenomenon. Bullying can be seen as exclusion dynamics between people in social contexts that children and young people cannot withdraw from. Bullying processes mark a community where some are recognized as worthy members while others are not recognized and are therefore excluded as unworthy members of the community. Thus, the community is defined by who is not part of it.

Bullying is about more than just a victim and a bully. It also involves bystanders and followers, who more or less consciously accept the exclusion or denigration of one or more of the group’s members.

Bullying is a group phenomenon, and combating bullying in schools is largely about changing collective dynamics in classes or age groups. Bullying is not about weak students, but about students who are made weak in a community.” (See:

Bullying can be either direct, in the form of physical actions (such as unwanted physical contact, threats, facial expressions, ridicule, or verbal humiliation), or indirect (such as gossip, ignoring, or isolation). Bullying can occur when two people are physically together or when they are separated – for example, through bullying via social media and similar platforms.

Maribo Gymnasium operates on the understanding that bullying can arise from the unacceptable behaviour of individuals and from a set of unacceptable norms formed within a community. Regardless of whether bullying arises from the behaviour of individuals or a group’s norms, bullying is unacceptable. Bullying requires both prevention and action.

Prevention of Bullying

Maribo Gymnasium’s expectations for a good learning environment are reflected in the school’s values and the school’s study and disciplinary rules.

Maribo Gymnasium prevents bullying by supporting a learning environment that promotes each student’s well-being, development, and learning:

    • The school pays attention to each individual student and their interaction with other students.
    • At the beginning of the school year, all students are informed about the school’s study and disciplinary rules by the team.
    • At the beginning of the school year, the team discusses with students what constitutes a good classroom culture, and the topic is continuously discussed throughout the educational process at Maribo Gymnasium.
    • At the beginning of the school year, each class develops its own code of conduct to support good behaviour.
    • From the beginning of the school year, new students become part of Netwerk in a buddy pair and in a buddy group in their class. Netwerk is also used at the start of the study program.
    • The school’s counsellors conduct integration interviews with all new students immediately after the start of the school year.
    • Annual student well-being surveys are conducted with follow-up at class and school levels.
    • Any student can contact a teacher, counsellor, or management if there are issues with well-being, including bullying.
    • All students experience intervention if some students are not treated respectfully.

Actions Regarding Bullying


If students encounter bullying at Maribo Gymnasium, they should react as follows:

    • Try to determine if the situation is serious or not.
    • Speak up if they witness signs of peers being bullied.
    • Support the victim of bullying.
    • Document the bullying as much as possible, for example, by writing it down or obtaining pictures.
    • Ensure that the problem is addressed.
    • Report the bullying as specifically as possible to a teacher, counsellor, or management.


If a teacher observes a possible case of bullying, they should:

    • Investigate whether there is indeed bullying.
    • Ensure that the bullying is documented in writing for further processing.
    • Stop the offensive behaviour.
    • Support the victim of bullying and provide care for any other individuals involved.
    • Inform the counsellor and management about the bullying as soon as possible.


If a representative of the management confirms bullying, the management will:

    • Develop a plan for ending the bullying. The plan must be developed within ten working days after receiving information about the bullying.
    • Implement measures in accordance with the plan.
    • Implement necessary temporary measures without delay.
    • Inform the affected students – and for students under 18 years old, the students’ legal guardians – about the plan and temporary measures.


Action Plan

Reports of bullying are received by a teacher, counsellor, or management.

The report of bullying is assessed: Is there bullying? If yes: Who should handle the case? (teacher, team, counsellor, or management)

The report of bullying is further investigated.

What has happened in the specific bullying situation?

Where is the bullying taking place? (at school, in the class, on social media, etc.)

Who has participated in the bullying?

Who has witnessed the bullying?

Is there a violation of the school’s values and rules to such an extent that, in addition to the well-being-building work, there should also be sanctions from the school’s side?

An action plan is developed.

What is the goal of the intervention?

Who should speak with whom and when?

Which other internal parties should be involved in the process?

Should others, such as external parties, be involved in the process?

Which parties should assess whether the goal has been achieved and when?

Who will follow up by evaluating the group dynamics in which the bullied individual is involved and make any new demands for continuous effort?

The action plan is initiated.

Evaluation of the intervention and the well-being of the bullied individual and the group dynamics in which the bullied individual is involved.

The latest research indicates that bullying is a group phenomenon, and combating bullying should therefore focus on changing collective dynamics within classes or year groups. Therefore, in addition to involving the bullied individual and the bully, the action plan can also involve parents, teachers, students, witnesses, etc.


Bullying goes against Maribo Gymnasium’s values and rules. Both students and staff are obligated to report any bullying. As a consequence of bullying, sanctions may be imposed in accordance with Maribo Gymnasium’s study and disciplinary rules.

Complaints Procedure

If a student feels that the school has not responded appropriately to bullying, the student may submit a written complaint to the principal. The complaint must be substantiated. If the student is under 18 years of age, the holder of parental authority may submit a complaint. If the complainant does not receive full satisfaction, the principal must forward the complaint and the school’s decision to the Danish Center for Educational Environment.