Søg på Maribo Gymnasium

Study and Order Rules

…exhibit similar improper behaviour. During exams and tests, the school uses ExamCookie as a monitoring tool. It is a prerequisite for taking written exams or tests that students must download


tolerance, inclusivity, and respect for diversity. Students are encouraged to engage in discussions about social issues, cultural differences, and global perspectives to promote understanding and empathy. PHILOSOPHICAL approach of “DANNELSE”…

Studie- og ordensregler

ExamCookie som monitoreringsredskab. Det er en forudsætning for at gå til skriftlig eksamen eller prøver, at eleverne skal downloade og anvende ExamCookie. Anvendelsen af ExamCookie har til formål at forebygge…

Global Studies

…a distinguished visit from both the Minister for Children and Education, the Mayor and former principals. MG currently has 270 students divided into 12 classes. Global Studies For the coming…

Core Values

…the desire to learn Skill enhancement for all Understanding of your own and others’ worlds Respect for each other Community Vibrant school in the heart of Lolland Curiosity and the…

Mission, Vision and Strategy

…Understand your own and others’ surroundings (worlds) Respect for one another Community Vibrant school in the heart of Lolland   Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn At Maribo Gymnasium, we are…


…eksamen og prøver anvender skolen Examcookie som monitoreringsredskab. Det er en forudsætning for at gå til skriftlig eksamen eller prøver, at eleverne skal downloade og anvende Examcookie. Brugen af Examcookie…


…blive gjort bekendt med oplysninger vedrørende institutionens forhold, herunder ethvert dokument, som bestyrelsesmedlemmet skønner nødvendigt for at varetage bestyrelseshvervet. Anmodning herom rettes til bestyrelsens formand. Stk. 3. Bestyrelsen kan i…

Directions of study on the STX

…as an elective.   Registration for STX takes place via www.optagelse.dk Any questions can be directed to Maribo Gymnasium, phone: 54790479 We look forward to welcoming you to Maribo Gymnasium….